Healthpally hints the use of Technology in Healthcare

Technology in Healthcare

The use of new technologies and developments in health care can help to save costs, overcome bottlenecks in healthcare service delivery and at the same time strengthen the autonomy and participation of patients.

In addition, there is great potential due to technical progress and digitization to increase efficiency and effectiveness in healthcare services and the health industry generally, says Healthpally CMD.

With the possibilities of new technologies and trends, enormous changes will take place in the areas of biotech, nanotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medical technology up to information and communication technology.

Digital health economy

New technologies from the field of information and communication technology (ICT) are summarized under the term digital health economy.

EHealth is the generic term for a broad spectrum of ICT-supported, electronic applications, according to Techpally boss.

It ranges from telematics solutions to the use of technical assistance systems in the home environment (Ambient Assisted Living).

In nursing, these systems can help ensure that patients stay in their own home for as long as possible and thus make nursing more efficient and still in the interests of the patient.

The increasing use of digital technologies will fundamentally change the working methods, processes and products in the healthcare sector and be a driver for further innovations.

Robotic assistance system, big data and artificial intelligence

Another key technology with enormous potential is medical technology, akin chaktty clears the air.

 It is used in all relevant areas and is also used in the private sphere.

Robotics is a particularly important field. Assistant robots transport people with restricted mobility, help with personal hygiene or provide a wealth of care utensils.

In the long term, it is even conceivable that they will also take on social tasks and challenge and promote the cognitive abilities of patients.

 Robotic assistance systems are also being used more and more frequently in the operating theater, for example for minimally invasive interventions.

Another focus is on imaging techniques

Due to the advancing digitization, it is now possible to calculate exact 3-D models in real time, which simplifies the planning of an operation for the operating doctor, businesspally.

In this context, the use of big data and artificial intelligence also plays an essential role.

Both can support the treating physicians in the analysis and interpretation of data from imaging procedures or contribute to optimizing clinical research.

The next revolution – biotech

The next profound technological revolution after digitization is likely to be triggered by the biotech sector, according to Healthpally boss.

The term encompasses a large number of processes, methods and products that make enzymes, cells and organisms usable in technical applications.

The so-called red biotechnology, which deals with health, medicine and pharmaceuticals as fields of application, plays a decisive role.

The breakthrough here is the development of the CRISPR / Cas9 method in 2012, which, in combination with modern analysis and data evaluation methods, makes it possible to change DNA building blocks in the genome.

 But also in the field of biotechnological drugs for the treatment of autoimmune diseases, in the use of biomarkers in cancer therapy or in so-called tissue engineering, which aims to produce artificial organs, there are enormous opportunities.

Biotech aims to develop drugs and forms of treatment for specific groups of patients (stratified medicine) or individuals (individual medicine).

The interfaces to other technology areas are fluid, because research into these topics is also carried out in the pharmaceutical and nanotechnology sectors


Technology has impacted almost all industries, from finance, education, agriculture, law, transportation and to health.

Technology don’t just help to make operations faster and efficient, it’s changing the traditional methods and procedures of healthcare delivery.


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